Pacific Southwest Railway Museum
Membership Categories and Benefits
Adopted, Board of Directors, May, 2007
Student $20; Senior (62 or over) $20; and Individual $30 ---entitles you to the monthly Hot Scoop, free rides for you for a year on our non-reserved SD&A trains plus one ticket on our non-reserved SD&A trains for your guest, plus you get a 10% discount in the gift shop when you show your card.Family $40---entitles you to the monthly Hot Scoop, free rides for you, your spouse and dependent children for a year on our non-reserved SD&A trains plus two tickets on our non-reserved SD&A trains for your guests, plus you get a 10% discount in the gift shop when you show your card.
Contributing $50--entitles you to the monthly Hot Scoop, free rides for you, your spouse and dependent children for a year on our non-reserved SD&A trains plus three tickets on our non-reserved SD&A trains for your guests, plus you get a 10% discount in the gift shop when you show your card
Supporting $75---entitles you to the monthly Hot Scoop, free rides for you, your spouse and dependent children for a year on our non-reserved SD&A trains plus four tickets on our non-reserved SD&A trains for your guests, plus you get a 10% discount in the gift shop when you show your card
Sustaining $150---entitles you to the monthly Hot Scoop, free rides for you, your spouse and dependent children a year on our non-reserved SD&A trains plus six tickets on our non-reserved SD&A trains for your guests, plus you get a 10% discount in the gift shop when you show your card
Life $750---entitles you to the monthly Hot Scoop, unlimited free rides for you, your spouse and dependent children and one guest for life on our regularly scheduled SD&A trains plus you get a 10% discount in the gift shop when you show your card, and enrollment on Life Members' plaque
Gold Spike Life $1,000--entitles you to the monthly Hot Scoop, unlimited free rides for you, your spouse and dependent children and two guests for life on our regularly scheduled SD&A train (if space is available), one free SD&A Tecate Special ride during each year for two plus two guests. (advance reservations required) plus you get a 10% discount in the gift shop when you show your card, and enrollment of Gold Spike Life Members' plaque.
Benefactor Life $5,000---entitles you to the monthly Hot Scoop, unlimited free rides for you, your spouse and dependent children and two guests for life on any SD&A train (if space is available) one free SD&A Tecate Special ride during each year for two plus four guests. (advance reservations required) plus you get a 10% discount in the gift shop when you show your card, and enrollment on Benefactor Life Members' plaque
Page last updated on 9-25-2011