by Richard Pennick
The Conductor on Santa Fe's train No. 73 poked his head, conspicuously bare, into the lounge Section of the private car "Cyrus K. Holliday" and remarked: "I lost my cap last night near Capistrano and I sure feel funny without it!"
Private car "Cyrus K. Holliday" at Escondido station on PSRMA sponsored trip, December 10, 1966. Richard Pennick photo.
The plush maroon car was chartered by the Museum for an unique tour of the Santa Fe branch line to Escondido. It was a little after 7am when the train began its gradual departure from San Diego's station yards, and the guests on board began settling down amid the warm comfort of the lounge. There were a few hardy souls, however, who preferred the biting chill of the rear platform. To each his own. Enjoying the hot coffee and cordiality within were Mrs. Mildred Woody, Mssrs. Robert Coye, John Andert, Dwight Couch, Terry Durkin, R. Dennis White, Kent Anderson, Jack Stodelle and son Steve, and Yours Truly.
At 8:65, we eased to a stop at Oceanside, where the "Cyrus K." was out off, turned on the wye, and shunted to a side track to await the arrival of the branch line crew. The running water system had not worked since we left San Diego, where the tanks had supposedly been filled. Inspection revealed the latter to be bone dry, and since the depot hose was too short to reach the car, we prepared for a "dry run" to Escondido.
During our two-hour layover at Oceanside, several more excursionists boarded the car. They were Mrs. A. E. L. Cook, Mssrs. John Bundy, Mel Goldberg and son Bret, and Art Salzer. Some of the guests had interesting backgrounds. Mrs. Woody's father was Superintendent of the Poland Mining Company, Poland, Arizona, in 1908. The town, served at that time by an 1895 Brookes 4-6-0 on a branch of the Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix, is today non-existant. Mrs. Woody had old photos to prove that (Continued on Page 3)
In a close race for the presidency of PSRMA, Terry Durkin edged out the incumbant, Stanton Kerr. The race was won by only two votes.
Durkin is a long time PSRMA member and has been very instrumental in the drive to obtain locomotives for the museum. Terry is employed by the Santa Fe as a hostler at Barstow.
The incumbant vice president. Lee Adams, was voted in for another term.
Eric Sanders, Report editor emeritus, was made secretary for '67. Eric is one of the original members of PSRMA and has long been an active rail fan.
Another long time member, Charles Gerdes, has been selected to serve as treasurer for the year 1967.
Many thanks to the outgoing officers who have served so well in the past year. The year 1966 was a big one for the museum and its members. Thank You, gentlemen.