We hear that Charlie Holcomb has been hard at work up there at Perris. He is a new member who has worked nearly every week-end on our locomotives at Perris. He is also in charge of any work to be done on the locomotives.
Terry Durkin, PSRMA president, reports that after the hydrostatic tests were made on the two locomotives last April 24, sad news was received, along with the good. Former Mojave Northern Number 3 was condemned by state inspectors. It needs some pretty expensive repairs which will have to wait until better times come. E. J. Lavino Number 10 was passed with flying colors. This was good news for once.
Durkin also reports that the 10 spot was fired up on Sunday, April 30. He also said that it was planned to fire up the engine again on Sunday, May 21. Why, we wonder, couldn't this have waited until the membership in general could be on hand for the event? (See editor's comment)
Feather River shay number 10 is now at Perris, and another moving job awaits us. From all reports received this is a beautiful hunk of motive power.
A land committee meeting is slated for May 17. It is important that we make all possible efforts to obtain land near San Diego. After all that is what PSRMA was formed to do, bring a railroad museum to San Diego.
The situation of having our equipment at Perris is a necessary evil, but it does put us in San Diego at a disadvantage in having to go on a 160 mile round trip to take care of our equipment.
It also puts us in the place where local control of our equipnent is next to impossible. Don't get us wrong we are grateful for the use of OET at Perris and would be in bad shape without it. Let's go San Diego, get some land and get our San Diego museum on the road.
Jon Compton has been named as Chairman of PSRMA' s Land Committee. He takes over from Richard Pennick, who has resigned from the committee.
This committee's prime objective is to make a study of lands which are suitable and available for museum purposes.
A meeting of this committee is to be convened on May 17. The Report will keep you informed of the progress of this important phase of our development.
Do you know of any property, preferably near a railhead, which might be available for a museum sight? If you think you do, please inform this committee so that they can investigate its feasibility.
The idea has been brought forth to have only one business meeting each year for this corporation. The other months of the year could then be devoted to the education of our members through the use of Classes and movies on railroad subjects.
Sounds like a good idea and it would make our meetings more interesting and useful. The board of directors, under this set up, would handle business matters of the corporation, which is their main purpose in being anyway. The board meetings are, even now, always open to interested parties.
Come to a meeting and let your views be aired on this idea.
The regular monthly business meeting of the Pacific Southwest Railway Museum Association, Inc. will be held Sunday, May 21, 1967, at 7:30 p.m. The meeting will be upstairs in the Safety Room of the Santa Fe station, 1050 Kettner Blvd in San Diego.