This month's General Meeting will be an important one for the future of PSRMA. This meeting is the one which each year the officers for the coming year are elected. It is imperative that each Regular member be present to cast his or her vote. The meeting will be held beginning at 7:30 pm in the Safety Room of the Santa Fe Depot located at Kettner and Ash Street downtown.
Officers nominated for 1971 are as follows: PRESIDENT - George Geyer, H. Chalmers Kerr, Jr.; VICE-PRESIDENT - Dan Marnell, Dave Parkinson; TREASURER - Jim Lyerla, Bill Richards; SECRETARY - Karen Hathaway; BOARD MEMBER AT LARGE - Bob DiGiorgio, Vern Cook; REVIEW COMMITTEE - Wally Barber, Terry Durkin, Bob Hastings, Dave Hobson, Stan Kerr, Raoul Morales, Eric Sanders and Jerry Windle.
At the meeting, each Regular member in "good standing" will receive a ballot. Ballots will be distributed to voting members only by a member of the election committee. The current list of the Director of Pereonnel and Records will be used to check voting eligibility.
Program for the evening will be provided by Jerry Windle who will present for your enjoyment two 16mm color fills. The first will feature the Denver and Rio Grande narrow gauge railroad which was shot early this summer. The second fill will feature Union Pacific's 8444 on an excursion from Denver to Rawlins, Wyoming and return.
With great things in the future for PSRMA, your vote at this meeting can be very important in our future. Consider the candidates very carefully, then come to the meeting and cast your ballot for the "best man"e;.......WE NEED HIM'!!!!
The little town of Justin, Texas, (population 705) in southwest Denton county and twenty-five miles north of the SANTA FE station in Fort Worth, was the scene of such activity about June 23rd, when the SANTA FE station there was used to represent a rural Texas station in the movie "Help Stamp Out Fairplay" - a role for which it was most suited. The movie is a satirical comedy of the old west, and stars Paul Ford, Robert Middleton and Barbara Hancock. It seems that the agent in Justin has an old surrey-but no horse. The movie company had lots of horses - but no surrey. An agreement was quickly reached. We understand that some of the more exciting events of the day occurred when a couple of freight trains went through the middle of the movie- making at some 60 mph - and both "Texas Chiefs" came through at about 90. One other high point was the aftermath of the fekkow from the movie company going to the only eating joint in town and ordering 60 hamburgers - to go. They haven't sold that much in years.
REPRINTED FROM THE "CLEARANCE CARD", Newsletter of the Southwest Railroad Historical Society of Dallas,Texas
The PSRMA Trolley Trip held on Sunday, Sept. 6th was a success in many ways. First it was a sellout with 44 tickets sold before the excursion. Secondly it was an excellent San Francisco day with clear weather for the duration of the trip. Thirdly, the trip was extra special in that car #1 of the San Francisco Municipal Railway was the feature car for most of the trip and this car only runs on special occasions. The museum was honored in being able to schedule it. Fourth, for the benefit of railfans, the cars #1 and PCC car #1006, used as a running mate, were able to be stopped at almot any location for pictures whenever the people aboard decided. Fifth, the sellout enabled the trip to be extended for about 45 Minutes. Sixth, the motorman and conductor were very cooperative. Seventh, the patrons of the trip were able to take lunch and rest breaks as desired and eighth, PSRMA was able to turn a profit for our treasury.
Indeed it was a good trip. Everything worked smoothly as planned. At first the people taking the trip were able to photograph the SFMRy work equipment such as car 0304, a tower car used in maintaining the trolley on private right-of-ways and tunnels; a Cl work car and 0131 wrecker, used to tow or push disabled trolleys. These were available for photographers as well as in-service PCC cars pulling into and out of the Geneva Car Barn. The trip started about l0:15 am proceeding down the "K" line to the Twin Peaks Tunnels where car #1 wyed and went out the "M" line. The "M" line. The "M" line is not used by streetcars on Sunday so photo stops were unrestricted and very interesting. One additional higlrpot on this line was a "high speed" run, perhaps 40 MPH or more on the private right-of-way near one of San Francisco's largest shopping centers.
After touring line "N", the car #1 wyed in front of the Twin Peaks Tunnel and proceeded out the "L" line making several stops enroute including a short turnback wye on Taraval St. Also the car stopped on special trackage at the end of Taraval St. where normal cars (PCC'S) do not go. The "L" line was traversed again without photo stops for the benefit of Ted Grove who made a stereo reel-to-reel tape recording of Car #1's sounds including a portion with the floorboards lifted so that the sound of the traction motors, the grinding of the gears, the squeal of the wheels, surges of electrical power at each point of the controller all could be heard and recorded to the fullest advantage. Only a car such as Car #1 has these traditional sounds as the newer PCC type streetcars are relatively soundproof with the exception of the traditional trolley bell.
Car #1 ends its portion of PSRMA tour with San Francisco as a backdrop