INDEX A Action of steam in operating a locomotive 35 Ash pans 51 Axles 105,123 B Baldwin superheater 65 Bell cord signals 149 Block system of signaling 156, 182 Blower 144 Boiler horsepower 77 Boiler performance, effect of different pressures upon 61 Brick arches 53 C Chain grate stoker 120 Cole superheater 65 Collisions 178 Combustion, rate of 59 Compound locomotive 20 Connecting or main rods 114 Crank pins 106, 127 Crawford mechanical underfeed stoker 120 Crossheads and guides 112 Cylinder and saddle for locomotive engines 110 Cylinders 131 D Derailments 179 Diaphragm 54 Draft 54 Draft pipes 54 Dry pipe 145 E Engine design 123 ...axles 123 ...crank pins 127 ...cylinders 131 ...frames 130 ...piston rods 129 Exhaust nozzle 53,56 F Fire-box 38 Firing a locomotive 159 Fixed signals 154 Flues 43 Fuel waste in a locomotive 176 G Grates 50 H Hanna locomotive stoker 120 Heating surface 63 High steam pressures 61 I Injector 140 Inside clearance 84 L Lead 92 Locomotive, care of 188 ...end of run 188 ...oiling parts 188 ...on the road 188 ......making adjustments en route 188 ......running at speed 188 ......starting 188 ...watching engine 188 Locomotive appliances 138 ...blower 144 ...dry pipe 145 ...injector 140 ...lubricator 147 valves 148 ...steam gages 144 ...throttle valve 144 ...water gages 144 ...whistle 144 Locomotive boiler capacity 77 Locomotive boiler design 74 Locomotive boilers 38, 173, 180 ...ash pans 51 ...brick arches 53 ...capacity 77 of 173 ...classification of 38 ...definition of 38 of 74 ...diaphragm 54 ...draft 54 ...draft pipes 54 ...exhaust nozzle 53, 56 ...explosion of 180 ...flues 43 ...grates 50 ...heating surface 63 ...high steam pressures 61 ...netting 53 ...rate of combustion 59 ...smoke-box and front end arrangement 53 ...spark losses 61 ...stack 58 ...stay bolts 45 ...steam or branch pipes 53 ...superheaters 65 Locomotive breakdowns 177 ...causes 177 ...collapse of flue 180 ...collisions 178 ...derailments 179 ...disconnecting after breakdown 181 Locomotive engines 83 ...connecting or main rods 114 ...crossheads and guides 112 ...cylinder and saddle 110 of parts 123 ...frames 107 ...inside clearance 84 ...lead 83 ...outside lap 83 ...piston and rods 111, 129 ...running gear 100 ...side rods 114 ...stokers 120 ...tender 119 ...trucks 115 ...valve friction 98 ...valve motion 84 ...valves 95 Locomotive frames 107, 130 Locomotive operation 159, 169 ...acquaintance with route 182 ...block signals 182 of locomotive 188 159, 173 ...culverts and bridges 182 ...curves 182 ...emergencies 163, 169 ......breakdowns 177 ......broken connecting rod 163 ......broken driving springs 163 ......broken side rods 163 ......broken steam chest 166 ......foaming 163 ......low water 163 ......troubles and remedies 169 ...firing 159, 182 ...grades 159, 182 ...inspection 163 ...repairs 163 ...running 159, 188 ......feeding the boiler 159 ...running time 182 ...switches 182 ...use of steam 159, 182 Locomotive rating 135 Locomotive stokers 120 ...chain grate 120 ...Crawford 120 ...Hanna 120 ...Street 120 Locomotive troubles and remedies 163, 169 ...boiler care 173 ...breakdowns 177 ...distinctive features of locomotive 169 ...drifting 175 ...emergencies 163 ...fuel waste 176 ...pounds 170 ...steam waste 172 Locomotive trucks 115 Lubrication of locomotive 188 Lubricator 147 M Movable signals 149 N Netting 53 O Oiling locomotive 188 Outside lap 83 P Pielock superheater 65 Piston rods 111, 129 Pounds in a locomotive 170 R Radiation, loss of heat through 79 Railway signaling 148 ...bell cord signals 149 ...block system 156 ...fixed signals 154 ...movable signals 149 ...train signals 150 Running gear 100 S Scale, effect of 77 Schenectady or Cole superheater 65 Schmidt superheater 65 Sellers injector 140 Side rods 114 Smoke-box and front end arrangement 53 Smoke-box temperatures, effect of different pressures upon 62 Spark losses 61 Stacks 58 Starting locomotive 188 Stay bolts 45 Steam, action of 35 Steam or branch pipes 53 Steam gages 144 Steam supply, regulating 159, 182 Steam waste in a locomotive 172 Stephenson valve gear 85 Stokers, locomotive 120 Street mechanical stoker 120 Superheaters 65 ...tests of 65 T Tables ...axle mounting, hydraulic pressures used in 106 ...comparative dimensions of Stephenson and Walschaert gears 92 ...crank-pin mounting, hydraulic pressures used in 107 ...crank-pins, working stress for 127 ...dry pipe sizes 145 ...fiber stresses 123 ...forged steel billets 105 ...heating surface, ratio of to grate area 63 ...locomotives, classification of 11 ...locomotives, comparison of English and American 10 ...shrinkage allowance 100 ...spoke data, foundry rule 100 ...spoke data, general 100 ...superheater tests 65 ...valve tests 98 Tender 119 Throttle valve 144 Time tables 168 Tractive force 133 Train resistance 131 Train rules 166 Train signals 150 Troubles and remedies of locomotive 163, 169 V Valve friction 98 Valve motion 84 Valves 95 W Walschaert valve gear 89 Water gages 144 Water grates 50 Wheels 100 Whistle 144 Whistle signals 148